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Bulldog PRism Award entry page: https://pram.secure-platform.com:443/a/solicitations/1141/home

QUALIFICATIONS to enter the Bulldog PRism Awards sponsored by Starkville-MSU PRAM:

  • You must be an active member of Starkville-MSU PRAM to qualify for the awards program. Be sure your membership is up to date.

  • The work associated with your entry must have appeared (published, printed, presented, etc.) between November 1, 2022, and October 31, 2023.

  • Student work must be submitted under the student category.


All entries must be finalized in the online award system by Tuesday, October 31, 2023.



  • Professional Members: $38 for each entry 
  • Student Members: $25 for each entry

If you’re not a member of our chapter, your entry fee includes membership for one year in Starkville-MSU PRAM, the Southern Public Relations Federation and the state Public Relations Association of Mississippi.

  • NON-Member Professionals
    • $103 for the first entry
    • $38 for each additional entry 
  • NON-Member Students
    • $57 for the first entry
    • $25 for each additional entry 

How to Submit Award Entries:

Watch this webinar for easy to follow instructions: "How to Enter SPRF Lanterns"

Step 1: Prepare to Enter

  • Review the award categories and criteria in the tabs listed above.
  • Note the tier and category for your entries.
  • Note the parameters (research, planning, implementation, evaluation) and restrictions (word/character limits).
  • A new scoring rubric is now being utilized. Review it at https://pram.secure-platform.com:443/a/page/evalform and use it as a checklist as you prepare your entries.
  • Set aside time to prepare your entries. Follow the “Four Weeks to a Successful Award Entry” as a guide.

Step 2: Register/Log In to Awards System

  • If you are new to the system, click on the "first time logging in" link located on the award system home page.
    • Enter your email address and click “Next.”
    • Enter your contact information, select your chapter and create a password.
    • Click “Register” to finish setting up your account.
    • You will be taken to the “PRAM Award Programs” page to submit your award entries.
  • If you have already created an account on this site, simply log in using your email address and password on the left side of this page. If you started an award entry but have not submitted it, you will be able to edit your entry and continue the submission process.
  • https://pram.secure-platform.com:443/a/solicitations/1141/home

Step 3: Select your Awards Program and Entry Category

  • Select “Bulldog PRism Awards” in the Awards Program drop-down menu.
  • Then choose the tier that your award entry falls under from the drop-down menu.
  • Pick the category that fits your award entry. Depending on the entry type, there may be a subcategory for you to select as well.
  • Type in the name of your entry under “Entry Title.”
  • Click on the “Save And Next” button.

Step 4: Input Award Entry

  • Fill in the research, planning, implementation and evaluation sections for this award entry. Text can be copied and pasted from Microsoft Word or Notepad. Note the maximum word/character count for each section.
  • Upload supporting documentation and collateral pieces. At least one file is required, but you may choose to upload up to three files.
  • Provide a web address of any online materials you would like the judges to review. Two links can be included.
  • Select “Save And Next” to continue.

Step 5: Award Information

  • Should your entry be selected for recognition, this information will be used to prepare awards and during the presentation ceremony. At least one line is required, but you may provide up to three lines of text. Company/organization name is typically placed on line 1 with the names of individuals who worked on the project or the department name on lines 2 and 3, if applicable. It is not necessary to provide the award entry title or category name.
  • Upload one image associated with your entry that the awards committee may use during the presentation ceremony or in publicity materials.
  • Click “Save” to save all information input into the award system to this point.
  • Click “Add to Cart” to finalize your entry, submit additional award entries and/or pay for your entry.

Step 6: Review and Checkout

  • Once at this screen, you can:
    • Click “Make Another Submission” to enter another award entry.
    • Click “Print All Entries” to review all the information you submitted through the award system.
    • Click “Checkout” to select your payment method.
  • You may also click “Copy Your Submission” if some of the same information for one entry applies to another entry.

Step 7: Payment

  • When paying by either check or credit card, hit the PROCESS button at the bottom of the page. Once you process your entry, the system will not allow any changes.
  • After you have submitted your entry, the next page will allow you to print an invoice to send with your check, or you can access the credit card payment site. 
    • If paying by credit card, visit Starkville-MSU PRAM's Square Storefront at: https://starkville-msu-pram-chapter.square.site
    • Make checks payable to PRAM Bulldog PRism Awards. If you are mailing a check, please print the invoice from the award system and submit with your check.

If you need to mail a check, contact:

Bethany Shipp

Remember: This awards program does not require a binder; there is no need to print or mail your entry or collateral pieces.

If your entry wins an award, you may order duplicate awards. Information will be available following the awards program.

For Bulldog PRism Award Questions:

For Bulldog PRism Award Questions, contact:

Bethany Shipp


Christie Lawrence


SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY NOW AT: https://pram.secure-platform.com:443/a/solicitations/1141/home